Procedures for the use and application of biochemical preparations in dealing with the quality of the water environment and the state of the sediments of water elements within the framework of historic preservation

The monument procedure contains knowledge and instructions for the use of biological and biochemical preparations, which, according to the experience gained, should contribute to the adjustment of the unsatisfactory state of the aquatic environment in terms of water quality, excessive growth of algae, increased turbidity, odor and deterioration of the conditions for the life of fish. The occurrence of these problems is usually associated with fluctuations in the oxygen content and pH of the water, the occurrence of toxic forms of metals, ammonia, etc. One of the parts is devoted to the possibility of applying preparations to reduce the organic component of sediments and reduce their volume. Recommendations for carrying out a survey of sediments, analyzing their composition and determining a suitable procedure for applying preparations are given. Documentation for the production of cultivation equipment for biological preparations, a description of its operation and maintenance is part of the preservation procedure.

You can download the methodology here (in Czech).